Useful Links

Governmental Websites: 

TESL Canada :

TEAL Manitoba:

Classroom resources: 

A page used by TESL Ontario that includes Lesson Plans and Activities for teaching ESL to children:

A website with many ressources for TESL and TEFL classrooms:

Printable Worksheets :

Classroom sharing platform: Seesaw

Website to get worksheets and lesson ideas:

Fun website to play trivia type games and do surveys:

This link has activities that I believe are mainly for intermediate or advanced leveled learners.
The activities can be adapted to the subject you are teaching as these are more approaches or activity ideas
that you could do. It includes different types of writing activities that can be done in the classroom:

This activity is called ‘Freeze’. It was put together by BBC. The activity is one that I have done similarly in the past with a class when teaching ‘Lord of the Flies’, but I believe that this example is perfect for beginner and intermediate level learners. This activity in particular focuses on writing a letter.

Ellis, R. (2002). Grammar Teaching - Practice or Consciousness-Raising? In J. C. Richards (Ed.), Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice (167-174). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fotos, S. S. (1994). Integrating Grammar Instruction and Communicative Language Use Through Grammar Consciousness-Raising Tasks. TESOL Quarterly, 28(2). Retrieved from
Mathews-Aydinli, J. & Van Horne. (2006). Promoting success of multilevel ESL classes: What teachers and administrators can do. Retrieved from
Mohamed, N. (2004). Consciousness-Raising Tasks: A Learner Perspective. ELT Journal, 58(3). Retrieved from
Rajadurai, J. (n.d.) An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Teaching Pronunciation to Malaysian TESL Students. English Teaching Forum Online - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Retrieved from

Yip, V. (1994). Grammatical Consciousness-Raising and Learnability. In T. Odlin (Ed.), Perspectives on Pedagogical Grammar (123-139). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Books :
Dugas, B. (2009). La Grammaire de la Phrase en 3D. Montreal: Cheneliere Education.

Practicum Specific links:
This link gives current News articles for the English language learner:

This link give learners access to regular news articles, but with an easier vocabulary and key words defined:

A good news source for Canadian and International News :

Baker, L. & Tanka J. (2007). Real Talk 2: Authentic English in Context. London: Pearson Education ESL.

Adams, W. R. (2011). Developing Reading Versatility. 11th Edition. Boston, MA: Wadsworth

Articles used to work on Summary:

Articles used to work on Thesis statements:

Used this online dictionary to help with vocabulary for learners:

Useful website for Public domain 'free to use' images:


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