TESL 0170 - Practicum Reflection #5

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This was my last lesson with this class and it went way better than I expected. This lesson put my creativity to the test. I really pushed myself to come up with a fun and creative activity that would fit in with the content of the listening activity as well as fit the course outcomes. I was not sure about the activity until I met with my sponsor instructor and he gave the green light on the whole thing.There were many difficulties to deal with related to the audio recording and the difficulty level of the audio recording, however some improvisation made this activity work out in the end.  Overall, I would say this activity was a success, however, in the future, I would consider finding another audio recording that met the same requirements or attempt to find a re-recording that was at a slower pace.  

Another activity that went very well but that I would alter in the future was the warm-up review.  The warm-up review was successful in getting the students speaking and remembering what was discussed in the previous class, however it took longer than I expected.  This could be a result both of my underestimating of the time necessary for the activity or because this class was feeling particularly talkative today. In either instance, I would budget more time for this in the future but with a backup plan in case the students are not talkative.

I have greatly appreciated all of the experiences I have had so far in the practicum and I think this process has helped me plan for teaching adults in the future and has helped me to alter some teaching methods for young learners as well.


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