TESL - 110 Needs Assessment

Grammar 3D needs assessment

This is a needs assessment that I do in French with my students. In our school, we use the Grammar 3D approach. This involves colours and shapes to determine word types as well as sentence structure. The first thing that I do with my grade 6 students, is give them a dry-erase board that has three shapes at the top. These shapes refer to nouns (square), adjectives (triangle) and verbs (circle). I also give them a word list, where they must then sort the words into the right category. Once they have put all of the words on the dry-erase board, I get them to take a picture. I then give them 5 sentences to work on. With the five sentences, they must circle the subject in blue, the predicate in red and complements/objects in green. Since they work with these symbols since kindergarten, it is a review for some as well as a needs assessment for me to see what still needs to be worked on. With each sentence, they take a picture once they have finished circling. Once they have finished all of the sentences, they share with me all of the pictures so I can see what the needs are. I also do one on one interviews afterwords to discuss more in depth what there needs are for the year.

Book for Grammar 3D :

Dugas, B. (2009). La Grammaire de la Phrase en 3D. Montreal: Cheneliere Education.

For my example of this needs assessment: Needs Assessment


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