Pronunciation Activity
I decided to use Sample 3 (Tina) to create this lesson. It is only a short lesson of about five minutes. When talking, she had difficulties with the /sh/ sounds, in particular when she was talking about shopping. The objective of this lesson is to help her develop and strengthen this sound.
As it is only a five minute lesson, I would start by modeling the sound. I would follow the modelling of the sound with having the learner repeat it. Then I would use different examples or images of words that have that sound.
- Shoe
- Shout
- Shop
- Shrimp
- She
- Shell
We would then go over the words together, again in a model and repeat style. After this, we would use these words to create some easier tongue twisters that the learners can then practice.
- “She shops for shoes and shrimp”
- “She shouted at the shell.”
- “Shoe, Shop, Shrimp”
After the easy tongue twisters are mastered, I would give the learners more common and difficult tongue twisters like “She sells seashells by the seashore.” The learners will have time to read through and practice the tongue twisters before they are asked to find partners and practice together.
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