TESL 150 - Unit 1

Purpose/Nature of use: In this case, the lyrics were put in the title of the unit. They were used for an educational purpose as it is in the unit of a course. It was used as an attention getter for learners.

Amount used: 2 lines of the whole song were used. This would be less than 10% of the material.

Type of work: Lyrics from the song “Something just like this” by the Chainsmokers and Coldplay that were transformed into a motivational and eye-catching title of a unit about Copyright.

Impact on the market: Using these two lines would have no negative impact on the copyright holders or the market. However, this title may result in the song getting stuck in someone’s head making them go and listen to it ultimately having a positive impact on the market and the copyright holders.

Another resource: Harry Potter quote to put up in my classroom
“It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.” (Rowling, 2000, p. 614-615)

Purpose/Nature of use: The purpose would be to help motivate and remind students to be themselves. In a 6th grade classroom, we are constantly working on where are the boundaries between trying to fit in and being ourselves. I believe this quote would be really helpful as a motivator and reminder for them that it is important to be ourselves.

Amount of use: This is one sentences of a 636 page book (Rowling, 2000). This is quite a small amount of the book and therefore would count as a fair amount.

Type of Work: This is a quote from a book that would be transformed into a motivational poster. Therefore, it is written work.

Impact on the market: Using this would have no negative impact on the copyright holder. The use of only one sentence in a long book in a multi-book series would not impact the market.


Kimmons, R. “Copyright and Open Licensing." K-12 Technology Integration. Retrieved from https://k12techintegration.pressbooks.com/chapter/copyright/

Rowling, JK (2000). Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Vancouver, BC: Raincoast books.


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